Bourbon County Farm Bureau Educates More Than 425 Students on National Ag Day - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Bourbon County Farm Bureau Educates More Than 425 Students on National Ag Day

Bourbon County Farm Bureau President Ben Robin reads to students on National Ag Day. 

  Bourbon County Farm Bureau Board Members and volunteers celebrated National Ag Day

by educating youth across Bourbon County on the importance of pollinators and agriculture

The group from Farm Bureau educated over 425 2nd and 3rd graders across five Bourbon

County schools on the topic “Bee” kind to pollinators.

  National Ag Day is a celebration and advocacy event that was created by the Agriculture Council

of America in 1973. The purpose of this celebration is to bring awareness about the vital role

agriculture plays in our everyday life.

  Each year, the Bourbon County Farm Bureau Education Committee selects a theme to highlight

a different sector of agriculture during the National Ag Day celebration activities. This year, the

2023 local lesson theme was "Bee Kind to Pollinators", to educate students about the role

pollinators play in food production and the environment. The volunteers also read the book

“Bea’s Bees” to the students.

  “National Ag Week recognizes all of the hard work farmers do to feed, clothe and fuel us daily,”

said Katie Crump, Bourbon County Farm Bureau Board Member. “Farm Bureau has always been

a leading advocate for agriculture, in legislation and in education, so our board members and

volunteers take great pride in teaching students across the county about the role agriculture

plays in their lives.”

  Bourbon County Farm Bureau has created an online platform for educators to access previous

National Ag Day activities and connect with other agriculture curriculum platforms to integrate

ag literacy into any class at any time! The website address is:

  Each year, Bourbon County Farm Bureau holds an art and essay contest as a part of local

National Ag Day activities. The art contest is open to Pre-K through 5th graders and the writing

contest is open to 6th – 12th graders. Entries are due April 15. More information can be found on

the Bourbon County Farm Bureau Facebook page or online at:

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