2023 Jim Claypool Art and Conservation Writing Contest Announced - Kentucky Farm Bureau

2023 Jim Claypool Art and Conservation Writing Contest Announced

Posted on Sep 13, 2023

The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, in cooperation with the Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts and the Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation, announce the 2023 Jim Claypool Art and Conservation Writing contest.

This annual contest helps students from across the commonwealth learn about nature and the importance of our natural resources. This year, students will learn about Kentucky’s wildlife. 

Sponsors have provided articles, suggested activities, and fun facts and trivia to help students learn more about wildlife and good wildlife conservation practices. A tabloid, entitled “Keeping it Wild! Sustaining Kentucky’s Native Wildlife,” can be used by teachers in the classroom, as well as by students at home. 

The art contest, for grades one through five, and writing contest, for grades six through 12, allow students to use the knowledge they have gained about the topic and transform it into creative artwork and written essays. Entries should focus on encouraging action toward good wildlife conservation practices.

“The contest is a great opportunity to learn more about wildlife in the commonwealth,” Johnna McHugh, acting director of the Kentucky Division of Conservation said. “Students can learn more about the habitats and lives of Kentucky’s wildlife and will have a reason to go outside and observe for themselves.”

Schools and home school students should choose their winning entries and submit those to the local conservation district by Dec. 1. The county will then narrow the entries and send finalists to the cabinet for state judging.

State, area and county winners will receive a monetary award from Kentucky Farm Bureau and recognition from their local conservation districts.

For more information about the contest, please visit your local conservation district office or http://bit.ly/ClaypoolArtWritingContest.


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