Down the Backroads | It's the Small Gestures that Often Mean the Most - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Down the Backroads | It's the Small Gestures that Often Mean the Most

Posted on Aug 16, 2023

It’s the small gestures that often mean the most

In a world that is often so materialistic, many of us find ourselves overspending for gifts on occasions like birthdays and Christmas. It’s easy to do and I am as guilty as anyone when it comes to overdoing it.

And one would think that would not be the case for me. Growing up, my parents made sure we had clothes on our backs, food in our stomachs, and a roof over our heads. But big-ticket items weren’t always the norm.

Once I was old enough to get a public job, I paid for my car and the gas to go in it. I bought many of my clothes, not because I had to but because my choice of clothing as a teenager was a bit different than my mom’s.

I discovered fashion in the days of bell bottoms and platform shoes, but we can save that one for another day.

In doing that, I believe it made me more responsible when it came to spending money. Now, that doesn’t mean I’ve always been thrifty. Believe me, I do my share of splurging.  But I’m always reminded of another lesson my mom taught me when purchasing that special item for those special days.

Her favorite gift for any occasion didn’t come in a big box or from an expensive store. It was the small envelope with the greeting card she looked forward to the most. She was always eager to open birthday or Christmas cards because she said that it took a lot of thought to pick out a card that said just the right thing.

And if the message in the card didn’t touch her emotions, she let you know it. She liked those cards, with a long, loving message much to the liking of Hallmark. What was even better than a nice store-bought card was one that was handmade with an original message.

I remember that and have, usually, taken that lesson with me when I am shopping for the card or thinking of the message I want to convey.

Many times I have found myself spending a very long time in the drug store’s card aisle looking for the perfect message to go with the occasion.

It’s the small gestures that can mean the most. But we don’t have to use that philosophy just for greeting cards.   


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