Down the Backroads | It's the Small Gestures that Often Mean the Most - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Down the Backroads | It's the Small Gestures that Often Mean the Most

Posted on Sep 18, 2023

Let me start this column by saying I am blessed beyond measure to be able to do what I do, working with the very talented people I do, and traveling across the state visiting with some of the hardest working folks anywhere.

If I tried to mention all those who have inspired me in some way or another through the years, it would fill this entire magazine more than once.

But every now and then, certain encounters have a special meaning to me, for a variety of reasons.

There was the time I was on a visit to Green County and met Mrs. Bertie Clark. She was so pleasant to talk to and she asked something of me that really made my day. With a copy of a recent KFB magazine in her hand, she had it turned to this column and asked me for my autograph.

I was shocked, to say the least very humbled by the request, and ever so glad to oblige her. I left the Clark farm that day walking on cloud nine, as my mother used to say.

It is always a good feeling to have someone appreciate my work, and this chance meeting will always be one I remember.

There was another time when I had made my way to the Hinton Orchard in LaRue County for a magazine story interview with Jeremy Hinton.

As we began to discuss the topic of the story, I realized I had been at this very place about 20 years earlier conducting an interview with Jeremy for the ag paper I worked for at the time.  

After mentioning that to him, he went to another room and came back with a framed copy of that very story he had saved all these years.

Again, I was surprised and honored to know that he and his family thought enough of the article to keep it all this time. It really made me feel good.

So often, for me, it’s the small gestures that mean the most. My children are always asking me what I want for my birthday, Father’s Day, or Christmas, and my answer is always the same: “I don’t need anything; my gift is just being with you!”

They may be too young to appreciate that sentiment now, but one day, I’m sure they will. Now, don’t get me wrong, if one of them wants to surprise me with a new boat or ATV, I won’t turn them down!

But a gift of a smile, a kind word, or an ask for an autograph sure can make my day like nothing else.

One other encounter I would like to tell you about during our recent state fair, I ran into a dear friend and fellow writer Byron Crawford. His work through the years has inspired me beyond belief and to get a few minutes to chat and plan a lunch at our favorite hamburger joint was a real thrill.

I’m reminded that we all should relish these happy chance encounters and count our blessings of the small things that make a big difference in our lives, as we travel down the backroads. 


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