Down the Backroads | One Person Can Change the World - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Down the Backroads | One Person Can Change the World

Posted on Jun 24, 2024

I know I have mentioned this before but many, many years ago, one of the first newspaper assignments I was lucky enough to get was covering girls high school basketball in the small town where I grew up.

It would become one of the most rewarding experiences I would have in my working career since I not only did the written coverage, but I also took the photos and learned to work quickly, write fast, and do lots of interviews after the game.

What skills I did not possess at the time, I gained quickly, and I find myself still using them. I can honestly say that one experience easily set me on a course that would lead to where I am today.

Recently, I think the world of basketball changed, perhaps forever, as a young lady from Iowa won the hearts of fans all across the country by breaking long-standing scoring records helping to sell out tournament venues, something I had never seen before in women’s basketball.

As I watched her team and many others play, I was reminded of my time spent covering an amazing team so many years ago.

What Caitlin Clark did was lead the way in changing the world of basketball. That one person, during this one season, did so much to make a positive impact.

I say all that to say this: So many of us can make a positive change in the world even if it is only in the communities in which we live.

There are countless teachers, coaches, pastors, family members, and occasionally complete strangers who changed my world for the better. I’m sure that if we think about it, we all could say the same thing.

In the years to come, I hope we see many more Caitlin Clarks come along who help us move to a more positive world. But closer to home, my prayer is we all do a little something to make that difference where we live and work.

You don’t have to be a remarkable athlete to be a superstar to someone. You don’t have to be on a world stage to make a difference in your part of the world. And you don’t have to set out to be a changing force no matter what arena you’re playing in to become just that.

I think it happens by setting an example in all we do, by showing kindness and compassion to all we know and meet, and to always look for ways to make the world around us a better place, as we travel down the backroads.  

By: Tim Thornberry, Editor
Kentucky Farm Bureau News


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