Our KFB Foundation is Strong Because of our County Leaders. - Kentucky Farm Bureau

KFB President Eddie Melton: Our KFB Foundation is Strong Because of our County Leaders.

Posted on Jun 13, 2024
KFB President Eddie Melton

By KFB President Eddie Melton

From its very beginnings, the one word that best describes Kentucky Farm Bureau (KFB) is "grassroots."

And we don't take that word lightly but rather recognize it as the most important part of this organization throughout the country.

Farm Bureaus everywhere depend on their local members and leaders to move their initiatives forward. Whether advocating on a state level or having a say on national issues, they serve as our foundation.

I have had the opportunity to work with many of our county presidents and local leaders over the years and have enjoyed meeting new ones as they take on leadership roles in their respective Farm Bureaus.

Each one has a unique story to tell, many--if not most--having grown up around Farm Bureau events, while others are fairly new to the organization.

More times than not, I come away from one of our conversations with new ideas, or a better understanding of issues that face the rural communities our members serve.

When I think back over the years remembering the many successes we have had through policy development or legislative initiatives, I can always trace that back to the local level and the county leaders who brought their ideas and needs forward to begin the processes that have made our achievements happen.

The willingness of our county leaders to get involved, to be active, and to speak up when it comes to issues that are affecting them, their farms, their families, and their communities helps KFB to be one of the strongest Farm Bureaus in the country.

Each year when we call upon our local members and leaders to head to a conference, to make a trip to Frankfort, or to be a part of our Congressional Tour, they answer the call. We consistently bring the largest constituency of members to national events of any state in the country and repeatedly have record numbers show up for our state annual meetings.

This display of involvement speaks volumes about the kind of members and local leaders we have. They are dedicated to our mission as the Voice of Agriculture. 

It is a busy time of year for most of our members, but for this organization, we never fail to take the time to support the initiatives of KFB. Together we will push forward in our efforts to keep farm families on the farm, and this agriculture industry we all depend upon, viable and sustainable now, and for the future.

I have served at the county level and understand what you do on a daily basis to make Farm Bureau better and I appreciate all of your efforts.

We can accomplish so much when we come together as a group, as one collective KFB, to be that voice, and have that seat at the table when agricultural and rural community issues are being discussed at all levels.

My message to our county leaders and all of our members is this: my door is always open, and my phone is always at my side if and when you need anything at all.

Together, we will continue to grow stronger as an organization and be a leader in an industry that none of us can do without.


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