President's Column | Continuing Our Commitment - Kentucky Farm Bureau

President's Column | Continuing Our Commitment

Posted on Aug 11, 2023
Kentucky Farm Bureau President Mark Haney

In all the time I have been involved in agriculture and Farm Bureau, it never ceases to amaze me how effective our farm families are at raising crops while maintaining their commitment to an industry none of us can do without and the communities in which they live.

As we turn the corner on our growing season and make a strong advocacy push for a new Farm Bill, again I’m amazed at how effective we are as a grassroots organization and as the best ag producers in the world.

The most recent crop news from USDA data indicates a possible second-best-ever winter wheat crop in Kentucky, which comes at a critical time from a worldly production perspective. And despite the up-and-down weather situations we have seen since spring planting began, most of our crops are in good shape at this point in the growing season.

In fact, I have heard several people comment that this could be one of their best crop seasons in a long time. We continually produce more with less to meet the food, fiber, and fuel needs of this country and others around the world.

However, I know that isn’t the case for everyone as recent weather events have caused crop damage in certain areas. Because of these weather-related issues and many other factors, the coming reauthorization of the Farm Bill is as important as ever.

If we, as farm families, are expected to produce at a level to feed an ever-growing world population, we must have legislation that protects our industry and supports the measures we take every day to keep this ag production ball rolling. A solid Farm Bill will do that.  

Speaking of the commitment farm families make every day, there’s not a more perfect place to show off those efforts than the upcoming Kentucky State Fair.

This annual event gives farmers and ag organizations the chance to showcase their crop and livestock-producing talents and to educate a public far removed from the farm.

Of course, for Kentucky Farm Bureau (KFB), the biggest day of the entire fair comes by way of our annual Country Ham Breakfast and Charity Auction. Millions of dollars have been raised over the years during this one single event and we look forward to another successful auction again this year.

The breakfast is one of many ways we show KFB’s commitment to all Kentuckians and this great state. Another is through our annual scholarship program. Each year KFB and county Farm Bureaus award students with scholarship money to further their educations.

One of the most important things we can do as an organization is to support the next generation on and off the farm. Our state and county scholarship programs have helped to do that for decades.

I’m proud to announce that KFB awarded $751,250 in state and county scholarships, marking the second year in a row that we have set a new record.

Again, this is but one of many ways that KFB and its members demonstrate the kind of commitment it takes to move our organization, the ag industry, and the communities that make up the Commonwealth forward into a bright future.

Mark Haney, President

Kentucky Farm Bureau


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