President's Column | I'm Not Going to the House, Just Around the Corner - Kentucky Farm Bureau

President's Column | I'm Not Going to the House, Just Around the Corner

Posted on Oct 10, 2023
Kentucky Farm Bureau President Mark Haney

“I’m not going to the house, just around the corner.”

Kentucky Farm Bureau has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, from first attending county meetings many years ago to becoming the president of what I consider to be the best Farm Bureau in the country.

Throughout this time, I have always been amazed by the dedication our members have to this organization, from their front doors to the steps of our nation’s capital and all places in between.

It is because of our members and the passion they possess for our agriculture industry, their rural communities, and Farm Bureau as a whole that we continually have a voice when ag policy is discussed at all levels.    

I count it a blessing to have served as your president for the past 15 years, the longest tenure of any KFB president since this organization began 104 years ago.

However, with any job or position, there comes a time to change directions and that time has now come for me. I will not seek re-election at this year’s annual meeting and will be stepping down as KFB’s president. I won’t call it a retirement, but rather a transition.

There is still a lot of work I want to do on behalf of this organization and the industry that has supported me and my family for generations. As I move forward from my position as president, I feel as though I have done my very best to leave it in good standing.

Every day, I’ve been able to advocate for agriculture and rural communities and help develop solutions and opportunities to help our state and nation prosper.  I kept my commitment over these years to lead with an open mind, a level head, and an even hand.

Through it all, there have been many people along the way who have mentored, guided, and supported me in the different roles I have been blessed to be a part of.

I want to thank those presidents who came before me, including Marshall Coyle, Sam Moore, Bill Sprague, and Ray Mackey, all of whom I have had the pleasure of working with. I also want to thank the executive team members I’ve had the honor of serving with, including Eddie Melton, Sharon Furches, and Fritz Giesecke.

And there isn’t a day that goes by that I haven’t depended on Drew Graham and John Sparrow for their knowledge, their leadership, and most of all, their friendship.  And I especially want to thank my family.  Their unwavering support has been such an inspiration to me.

I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed serving as this organization’s president. Departing from it won’t be easy, by any means. But KFB has always made transitioning from one role to another seamless, and I look forward to a future where I can be involved with other KFB ventures. 

So, please know I am not going to the house, just around the corner. I’ll continue my involvement in Farm Bureau and continue to value all I have learned, the many friendships I have made, and the countless blessings that have come my way because of this great organization.  

God bless you all,

Mark Haney, President
Kentucky Farm Bureau       


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