President's Column | One for the record books - Kentucky Farm Bureau

President's Column | One for the record books

Posted on Sep 15, 2023
Kentucky Farm Bureau President Mark Haney

To say that the 2023 Kentucky State Fair was one for the record books is quite the understatement when it came to country hams and raising money for charity.

We kicked off the fair with a commodity breakfast that featured a record-breaking 4-H country ham auction. There was also a record number of 4-H country hams brought to the fair this year as part of that organization's country ham program.

But a capacity crowd attending the Kentucky Farm Bureau Annual Country Ham Breakfast and Charity Auction saw a record-shattering winning bid of $10 million from our friends at Central Bank and from Kelly and Joe Craft.  

I can’t say “thank you” enough to all of our bidders who have made this annual event a part of their tradition of giving back to the Commonwealth. It is because of their generosity that we continue to have one of the biggest and best charity auctions anywhere.

And let’s not forget the wonderful Kentucky-produced food we enjoy each year at the fair. Our farm families get the chance to showcase their goods by offering us a taste of everything from country ham to homemade ice cream.

Our state fair is truly a place where all those attending get a look, as well as a taste, of what Kentucky agriculture is all about.

As this year’s fair ended, we have taken many wonderful memories with us, as well as the excitement and anticipation of what the next one will be like.

However, for farm families around the state, the harvest season is upon us, making for one of the busiest times of the year on the farm and in rural communities.

I continue to be encouraged by some of the information we are receiving about harvest projections which are indicating possible record or near-record production levels.

While the fair gives us all a glimpse at life on the farm in Kentucky, the real rewards for farm families come when a bountiful harvest is realized, and they see the results of all of their hard work throughout the growing season.

On the farm, we can celebrate those efforts, but we quickly turn our thoughts to the next crop and the next season.

The work on our farms and in our agriculture industry is really never-ending, not only for the good of the ag economy but for all those who depend on the farmer to feed them.

With that in mind, and as harvest continues, I would ask everyone who encounters farm vehicles on the road to be patient and show grace to the people who are working hard to get these crops in from their fields for the betterment of all of us.

As we recognize National Farm Safety Week in September, be extra mindful of the farm equipment on the road. But also remember to be safe, especially on those rural roads, throughout the entire year. These dedicated men and women who work tirelessly on their farms will appreciate it, and we’ll all be safer for it.

Mark Haney, President

Kentucky Farm Bureau


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