Book Barns Delivered to Jefferson County Public Schools - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Book Barns Delivered to Jefferson County Public Schools


In the past month, Jefferson County Farm Bureau has begun delivering our "Book Barns" to schools around the county! This project has been inspired by other Brilliant Farm Bureau Counties. Several of our schools are either including them in the library or putting them in select classes to use for more in depth education.

Included in every "Book Barn" are 5 agricultural books, in hopes to promote the agriculture industry but also continue showing all the positive effects agriculture has on our daily lives. Each year, Jefferson County Farm Bureau will be providing additional books, as well as delivering "Book Barns" to additional schools.

We are very excited to bring this project to our community and grow it further!


Seneca FFA members delivered this book barn and books to Goldsmith Elementary library.
We also presented Mrs. Heidi Keairns, Librarian for Field Elementary with a book barn.





















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