Food Checkout Week in Lincoln County - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Food Checkout Week in Lincoln County


Lincoln County Judge Jim Adams met with the Lincoln County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee on February 14, 2015 to declare the week of February 17-23 Food Check-Out Week in Lincoln County. On February 21, 2015, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., the Lincoln County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee gave out brochures about healthy foods at the local Save-A-Lot in Stanford. They also gave a list of foods to customers. If they bought three items from the list they were given a jar of peanut butter. Peanut butter that was not given out was donated to Fort Logan Ministries.












KFB Spotlight

Kentucky Farm Bureau President Eddie Melton Re-elected at Organization's 105th Annual Meeting
December 9, 2024
Kentucky Farm Bureau President Eddie Melton Re-elected at Organization's 105th Annual Meeting

Also re-elected were Shane Wiseman of Clark County as First Vice President and Larry Clark of Green County as Second Vice President.

KFB President Eddie Melton Gives Address at the Kentucky Farm Bureau at 105th Annual Meeting
December 9, 2024
KFB President Eddie Melton Gives Address at the Kentucky Farm Bureau at 105th Annual Meeting

The Webster County farmer, who was elected as KFB President last December, delivered a year-end review and shared his thoughts about the past and future of the organization.

Laney Pease and Aiden Manley Awarded Top Honors in KFB's 2024 Outstanding Farm Bureau Youth Contest
December 9, 2024
Laney Pease and Aiden Manley Awarded Top Honors in KFB's 2024 Outstanding Farm Bureau Youth Contest

They were each awarded a $3,500 college scholarship, a piece of luggage and a wristwatch as contest prizes.