Local Media Honored for Contributions to Agriculture - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Local Media Honored for Contributions to Agriculture

Logan County Farm Bureau held a Media Appreciation Event to honor The News-Democrat & Leader and WRUS Radio for contributions to the promotion of agriculture and the farm sector.  Farmers, businesses, and the community benefit greatly from the timely information and news provided by our local newspaper and radio station.  

John Alcott, Farm Bureau Information Chairman, presented gift baskets to both media outlets as thanks for what they do to keep the community informed.  All participants of the Media Appreciation Event have received their COVID-19 immunization vaccinations.

WRUS Radio co-owners Don Neagle and Chris McGennis were recognized for their contributions to agriculture. In addition to news, weather, and marketing information, the radio station broadcasts KYFB’s “Across Kentucky” program weekdays at 6:05 AM.
Chris Cooper and O. J. Stapleton of the News-Democrat & Leader were recognized for their contributions to agriculture. The News-Democrat & Leader prints many ag related news articles as well as Logan County Farm Bureau news and activities. Ms. Cooper was the winner of the 2018 Kentucky Farm Bureau Communication Award.



KFB Spotlight

Presidents Column | Eddie Melton
March 6, 2025
Presidents Column | Eddie Melton

While the ag industry has faced many challenges over the past few years, springtime always offers renewed hope for those of us on the farm.

Down the Backroads | Be Careful of Those Headline Rabbit Holes.
March 6, 2025
Down the Backroads | Be Careful of Those Headline Rabbit Holes.

With the growing number of self-serve checkout lanes at your favorite shopping venues, I have noticed that many of the supermarket tabloids that used to surround the cash register area have downsized or gone away completely, or maybe they have been placed in less conspicuous areas of the store.

Only By the Grace of God
March 6, 2025
Only By the Grace of God

Oxmoor Farm, one of the oldest, consistently operated farms in this region dates back to 1787, when its owner of that time, Alexander Scott Bullitt, came to Oxmoor and began its agricultural journey.