Logan County Farm Bureau Members Meet with State Representatives in Frankfort - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Logan County Farm Bureau Members Meet with State Representatives in Frankfort

From Left:  Myra Alcott, John Alcott, Carrell Hughes, Jerry Hughes, Grant Hildabrand, Gary Hendricks, Teresa Hendricks, Kentucky State Representative Jason Petrie and Kentucky State Senator Mike Wilson

Logan County Farm Bureau members attended the Kentucky Farm Bureau Legislative Drive-In March 16th in Frankfort. This event allowed county Farm Bureau leaders from across the state to visit directly with state senators and representatives at the state capitol. Legislators were given a basket of Kentucky grown agricultural products to celebrate the safest most affordable food in the world. The Logan County delegation met with State Senator Mike Wilson and State Representative Jason Petrie in Senator Wilson’s office. Issues of general interest were discussed as well as the policies of Kentucky Farm Bureau. Several pending Senate and House bills were reviewed. Representative Petrie explained in detail a bill he sponsored, House Bill 8, that deals with lowering the individual income tax rate if certain conditions are met.

Redistricting occurred this year in Kentucky. Logan County’s State Senator Whitney Westerfield was replaced by State Senator Mike Wilson. This meeting was an opportunity to meet and to get to know Senator Wilson. The Logan County delegation also stopped by Senator Westerfield’s office and thanked him for his service as our State Senator since 2013. Senator Westerfield said he enjoyed representing Logan County and would maintain close ties with us. In addition to being well received by our state legislators, the Logan County group enjoyed touring the Kentucky State Capitol Building which ranks as one of the most beautiful state capitol buildings in the nation.

John Alcott, Information Chair

Logan County Farm Bureau

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