About Us - Kentucky Farm Bureau

About Us


President   Grant Hildabrand
1st Vice President   Thomas Poole
2nd Vice President   Wesley Estes
Secretary   Jamye Brown
Treasurer   Jeremy Robertson
Farm Bureau Women’s Co-Chair   Karen Estes Milliken
Farm Bureau Women’s Co-chair   Catherine Poole
Young Farmer Chair   Wesley Estes


John Alcott   Russellville
Albert Brown   Russellville
Jay Campbell   Adairville
Trisha Campbell   Adairville
Robert Dawson   Olmstead
Morgan Estes   Auburn
Wesley Estes   Auburn
Jennifer Ferris   Lewisburg
Paul Gripshover   Auburn
Dwight Grise   Russellville
Gary Hendricks   Russellville
Grant Hildabrand   Russellville
Carrell Hughes   Auburn
Eldon Hughes   Auburn
Jerry Hughes   Auburn
Colton Hunter   Auburn
Lilly Hunter   Auburn
Gary Jenkins   Olmstead
Daniel Johnson   Russellville
Douglas Milliken   Russellville
Richard Moore   Adairville
Patsy Poore   Russellville
Russell Poore   Russellville
Thomas Poole   Auburn
Jeremy Robertson   Franklin
Tabitha Robertson   Franklin


KFB Spotlight

Farmland Transition Beyond the State Line
September 6, 2024
Farmland Transition Beyond the State Line

Earlier this year, Kentucky Farm Bureau (KFB) launched the Kentucky Farmland Transition Initiative (KFTI) to bring attention to production farmland losses due to a steady decline in the number of farms in this state, and decreases in farmed acreage over the last several years.

The Rodeo Comes to Town
September 6, 2024
The Rodeo Comes to Town

It would seem like a perfect fit to have a rodeo in horse country, and while there are several large-scale events, having one at the local level may seem a little unusual.

A State of Champions
September 6, 2024
A State of Champions

Before the whirlwind of Olympic activities began last August, Kentucky welcomed its own group of champions after the National Archery in Schools Program NASP® Championship Tournament held last June in Daytona.