George Henderman recognized for Distinguished Service to Farm Bureau
Posted on Nov 21, 2016LOUISVILLE, KY (December 2, 2016) – George Henderman of Bullitt County has dedicated his life to his family and farm while also serving his local Farm Bureau organization and his community in a multitude of capacities. Because of that service, Henderman has been named winner of the 2016 Distinguished Service to Farm Bureau Award and honored at Kentucky Farm Bureau’s (KFB) 97th annual meeting at the Galt House Hotel.

In addition to his farming operation that consists of tobacco, grain, livestock, poultry, dairy, and fruits and vegetables, he has been an active Farm Bureau board member for 20 years.
He often speaks at Fiscal Court, conservation, and extension meetings on behalf of Farm Bureau but one of his biggest passions is speaking to school groups and educating students about agriculture.
Henderman is a lifetime member of the FFA and supports the local chapter in many ways and is currently helping to organize a local FFA Alumni chapter. He is also active with 4-H. He is widely known throughout the area and has been instrumental in advancing agriculture in the classrooms in Bullitt County including helping to get a computer lab for agriculture classes. Henderman also donated time and equipment for plowing and re-seeding the Boy Scout Camp.
In addition to his many roles at Farm Bureau including President for the last three years, he has been involved in the District Conservation program, the Bullitt County Extension Service, a Kentucky Cattlemen’s member, Farm Credit Services Board of Advisors, the Bullitt County Farmers’ market Committee, and his church, to name a few.