Kentucky Farm Bureau Announces Distinguished Service to Agriculture and Farm Bureau Recipients
Posted on Nov 25, 2019(Louisville, KY – November 25, 2019) Kentucky Farm Bureau (KFB) announced two annual award winners today: Sam Moore of Butler County, and former KFB president, has been named the Distinguished Service to Agriculture recipient and James Stuecker of Hardin County is the 2019 Distinguished Service to Farm Bureau Award winner.
Sam Moore, from Morgantown, Kentucky has been named the 2019 Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award.
Moore began his farming operation in 1963 with 4 cows and 30 acres. He has endured high interest rates, the financial crisis in the 80’s, floods, and droughts. Despite these hardships, Sam has always been known as someone willing to try and devlop a new way of doing things and has continually advocated for the agriculture community.
Moore, who served as President of Kentucky Farm Bureau from 1998-2005, has also held positions with the American Farm Bureau Board, the Kentucky Soybean Association, Kentucky Beef Cattle Association, Kentucky Agriculture Council, the Kentucky Agriculture Development Board for which he was a founding member and served as Butler County Farm Bureau President. He worked tirelessly on the Master Settlement Agreement and tobacco buyout. He was a founding member of the Kentucky Ag Development Board. He is a member of the FFA Alumni Association. He has served on the Kentucky State Fair Board and the Kentucky Ag Council. He is a former Young Farmer of the Year.
And the list goes on: Moore has testified numerous times in front of legislative committees at the local, state, and the national level. He has spoken to thousands of people over the years promoting the importance of agriculture and has been a spokesperson in regard to agriculture for most of his adult life.
James Stuecker, a native of Elizabethtown, Kentucky will be awarded the 2019 Distinguished Service to Farm Bureau award for his lifetime dedication to family, farming, and the local community.
Stuecker became Director of the Hardin County Farm Bureau in 1998 when they had 7,500 members. Today, Hardin County has over 11,000 members. James has worked with other organizations to promote Farm Bureau and helped plan and institute an agriculture display, petting zoo, and an annual youth livestock show at the county fair. This past year there were over 5,000 people in attendance at the show. Along with being a director on the Hardin County Farm Bureau board, Stuecker has been a part of the Member and Insurance Committee for several years. As a member of this program, he helped develop the Dead Animal Removal Program in Hardin County that is partially funded by the Hardin County Farm Bureau. This program benefits the safety and health of all Hardin County residents.
Moore and Stuecker will be honored and formally presented with their awards next week during Kentucky Farm Bureau’s annual meeting at the Galt House in Louisville.
To view or download the photograph that accompanies the KFB Distinguished Service to Agriculture, click here.
Cutline: 2019 KFB Distinguished Service to Agriculture recipient Sam Moore of Butler County.
To view or download the photograph that accompanies the Distinguished Service to Farm Bureau award, click here.
Cutline: 2019 KFB Distinguished Service to Farm Bureau recipient James Stuecker of Hardin County.