Market Closes - July 8, 2019
Posted on Jul 8, 2019Corn Sep +1 439; Dec +1 444 (438-48)
Bean Aug +3 879; Nov +3 898 (892-902)
Meal unch 306
Oil +43 2799
Wheat Sep -4 511; Dec -3 523; Jly -1 540
KC -4 441; MGE -1 532
Oats unch 278
Rice +23 1173
LC Aug -85 10615; Dec -45 11187; Feb +5 11627
FC Aug +7 13890; Oct -2 13887; Jan -10 13785
LH Jly -205 7007; Oct -207 6800; Dec -255 6745
Milk Jly -2 1736; Aug -3 1786
Corn and soybean futures closed little changed after trading both sides of unchanged. No major news today to move the market. Traders are preparing for Thursday’s monthly USDA crop reports. The validity of the estimates could be questioned due to the uncertainty of the recent acreage estimates. USDA will be resurveying most Midwest states later this month to improve planted acreage estimates. The spec funds have a sizable long in corn futures and a modest short in soybeans.
USDA’s crop condition reports show little change since a week ago in corn and soybeans. But both crops have Good/Excellent ratings 18 points below a year ago. Similarly, the V.Poor/Poor ratings are 5 points bigger than a year ago.
Today’s 6-10 and 8-14 day outlook maps show much above normal temperatures for the Corn Belt and above normal temps in areas east of the Rockies. This will help crop development. The 6-10 day favors drier weather, with the 8-14 day turning a bit wetter. See maps HERE.
Week ending July 7
U.S. Corn Conditions
. Good/Excellent Poor/V.Poor
This Week 57% 12%
Last Week 56% 12%
Last year 75% 7%
** 8% silking vs 22% average
U.S. Soybean Conditions
. Good/Excellent Poor/V.Poor
This Week 53% 12%
Last Week 54% 11%
Last year 71% 7%
** 10% blooming vs 32% average
Winter Wheat Harvested
47% complete vs 61% average
U.S. Pasture and Range
68% good/excellent vs 51% year ago.
8% poor/v.poor vs 21% year ago.
LC Aug -85 10615; Dec -45 11187; Feb +5 11627
FC Aug +7 13890; Oct -2 13887; Jan -10 13785
LH Jly -205 7007; Oct -207 6800; Dec -255 6745
Cattle futures closed mostly lower with Live Cattle not seeing follow-through from Friday’s move higher. Last week, fed steer prices firmed up, averaging $111.17/cwt, or a $5.00 premium to August LC futures. Boxed beef was not supportive. Choice Beef slipped .21 to 217.46 and Select lost .39 to 194.41. Lighter weights (down 15 pounds y/y) and current marketings provide some optimism.
Lean Hog futures fell sharply today with July LH moving to a new 12-month low; the close is barely above the contract low set last July. Over the 12 months, July LH rallied $32.00/cwt and has since given it all back after China has failed to make significant US pork purchases despite its ASF losses. FOB Plant Pork dropped 1.29 to 71.88 with ribs losing 7% in value, picnics down 9% and loins down over 3%. The average hog carcass is 6 pounds heavier than a year ago. Weekly pork production was 7.25% higher than a year ago.
US$ +.2% 97.38
Dow -116 26806
SP -14 2976
NAS -63 8098
Tran -69 10416
VIX +.68 13.96
WTI +15 5766
Brent -25 6398
Gas -3 190
NG -1 240
HO -1 190
Eth -1 152
Gold unch 1400
Slvr +5 1505
2-yr +.019 1.892%
5-yr +.015 1.857%
10yr +.005 2.049%
30yr -.016 2.532%
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