President of Kentucky Farm Bureau addresses Kentucky Livestock Care Standards Commission - Kentucky Farm Bureau

President of Kentucky Farm Bureau addresses Kentucky Livestock Care Standards Commission

Posted on Jul 30, 2012

Louisville, KY (July 30, 2012) – Addressing the Kentucky Livestock Care Standards Commission during a public forum in Frankfort today, Mark Haney, president of Kentucky Farm Bureau (KFB), spoke on behalf of the organization’s membership in support of the commission’s efforts to establish minimum standards in livestock and poultry care.

During his allotted time to present, Haney thanked the members of the commission for the time they had invested in developing a draft document for review by members of the agricultural community and general public, and briefly shared Kentucky Farm Bureau’s position in support of the commission’s current efforts:

“We strongly believe that the intent of the legislation that established the commission was to create minimum guidelines based on proven science and research. Production standards need to be based on facts not emotions. Over-burdensome regulations would only increase the cost of production and ultimately increase the cost of food without any proven benefit to livestock or poultry.

“Proper care and welfare of livestock and poultry are essential to the efficient and profitable production of food and fiber. No segment of society has more concern for the well-being of poultry and livestock than the producer. This is best exemplified by the high levels of production and low mortality rates achieved in modern livestock and poultry operations.


“While the standards recommended by the commission must still be reviewed by the State Board of Agriculture and the Legislative Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee, our organization stands willing to assist you to ensure that Kentucky agriculture remains a viable industry in our Commonwealth.”


Tagged Post Topics Include: Kentucky Livestock Care Commission, KYFB, Mark Haney, Politics, Regulations


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