Newsroom - Kentucky Farm Bureau


Market Closes - April 6, 2020
April 6, 2020
Market Closes - April 6, 2020

CBOT futures closed narrowly mixed with 2% losses in soybean meal pressuring soybean and corn futures. Live cattle fell sharply in the nearby April LC (limit down) but the deferred contracts made strong gains. Lean Hog futures closed $1-4/cwt higher on technical buying and short-covering. 

A Different World; The Same Mission While dealing with COVID-19, Farm Families are Still Doing What They Do Best
April 6, 2020
A Different World; The Same Mission While dealing with COVID-19, Farm Families are Still Doing What They Do Best

A few short weeks ago, most citizens in Kentucky, and across the country, were preparing for spring and all the activities the new season would bring. But since the onset of COVID-19, the coronavirus, most have hunkered down close to home hoping to wait this pandemic out.

President's Column: Stay Safe, Pray Hard, and Keep the Faith
April 6, 2020
President's Column: Stay Safe, Pray Hard, and Keep the Faith

Had anyone told me a few weeks ago what we would now be going through because of something called COVID-19, I expect I would have found it hard to believe. And as much as I have prayed for it to be a bad dream, it isn’t, and we are trying to navigate in a world most of us have never known.

Comment Column by KFB 1st Vice President Eddie Melton: We are Stronger Together
April 6, 2020
Comment Column by KFB 1st Vice President Eddie Melton: We are Stronger Together

I remember a time in the early 1980s, when being on the farm was difficult at best and almost impossible. I will admit, there was a point when I considered what life away from the farm would be like.

KFB Candid Conversation with Kentucky Farm Bureau 2nd Vice President Sharon Furches
April 6, 2020
KFB Candid Conversation with Kentucky Farm Bureau 2nd Vice President Sharon Furches

KFB Candid Conversation presents a discussion about the topical issues facing the agricultural industry and rural communities in a question and answer format. In this column, Kentucky Farm Bureau Second Vice President Sharon Furches discusses farming during the COVID-19 pandemic.

KFB Federation Executive Vice President Drew Graham: We Will Prevail
April 6, 2020
KFB Federation Executive Vice President Drew Graham: We Will Prevail

I have seen many situations develop through the course of my life on the farm, in public service, in education, and with Farm Bureau, but probably none like what we are going through now, due to COVID19. I know many of you are feeling the same way.

KFB Insurance CEO John Sparrow: Seeking more ways to serve you
April 6, 2020
KFB Insurance CEO John Sparrow: Seeking More Ways to Serve You

Helping relieve the anxiety of our members during the Coronavirus pandemic remains a priority for KFB Insurance.

Broadband Connectivity: Needed Now More Than Ever
April 6, 2020
Broadband Connectivity: Needed Now More Than Ever

With the many school and business closures that have come due to concerns over the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), working from home has become more commonplace than most people likely ever dreamed of.

Kentucky Department of Agriculture And Kentucky Farm Bureau Provide COVID-19 Resource For Producers
April 6, 2020
Kentucky Department of Agriculture And Kentucky Farm Bureau Provide COVID-19 Resource For Producers

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) and Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation have teamed up to develop a one-page COVID-19 pandemic resource for Kentucky producers.

Across Kentucky - April 6, 2020
April 6, 2020
Across Kentucky - April 6, 2020

Kentucky Farm Bureau President Mark Haney discusses how Kentucky Farmers are #StillFarming during the COVID-19 crisis.

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