Newsroom - Kentucky Farm Bureau


KFB 1st Vice President Eddie Melton Interview with the Cromwell Ag Radio Network
October 21, 2019
KFB 1st Vice President Eddie Melton Interview with the Cromwell Ag Radio Network

Kentucky Farm Bureau First Vice President Eddie Melton was recently interviewed by Jeff Nalley of the Cromwell Ag Radio Network about this year’s harvest, international trade, and lessons agriculture has learned when facing tough economic times.

WAVE is Rolling in Four River-County Area
October 18, 2019
WAVE is Rolling in Four River-County Area

Over the last three years, the West Kentucky river counties of Ballard, Carlisle, Hickman and Fulton have been at the center of an economic development initiative known as the West Kentucky Alliance for a Vibrant Economy (WAVE.)

Stress on the Farm from a Community Perspective
October 18, 2019
Stress on the Farm from a Community Perspective

While only about two percent of the U.S. population is involved in farming, for rural states like Kentucky, when farm income is down, those agriculture communities feel the impact, as well as affecting more than just that two percent.

Down the Backroads: A "Thank You" Goes a Long Way
October 18, 2019
Down the Backroads:  A "Thank You" Goes a Long Way

Call me old fashioned but one thing taught to me at an early age was to say “thank you” when a situation called for it and sometimes, even when it didn’t.

Market Closes - October 17, 2019
October 17, 2019
Market Closes - October 17, 2019

CBOT futures traded most of the day on the plus side and closed with moderate to strong gains, led by Chicago wheat futures. Live cattle closed near steady while feeder cattle posted moderate losses, albeit about a dollar off the day’s lows. Lean hog futures closed sharply lower for a second day.

Seeding Rural Resilience Act Will Help Farmers and Ranchers
October 17, 2019
Seeding Rural Resilience Act Will Help Farmers and Ranchers

The American Farm Bureau Federation supports the Seeding Rural Resilience Act sponsored by Sens. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), which is designed to help farmers respond to stress and decrease the stigma associated with mental health care in rural communities.

Across Kentucky Promo October 21-25, 2019
October 17, 2019
Across Kentucky Promo October 21-25, 2019

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Across Kentucky - October 25, 2019
October 17, 2019
Across Kentucky - October 25, 2019

Kentucky’s only ethanol plant, Commonwealth Agri Energy, is producing a record amount of fuel ethanol and other co-products following a recent expansion.  General Manager Mick Henderson discussed the growth of the facility, the increased production and other details as he presented the annual report to the Hopkinsville Elevator Cooperative this month.

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Across Kentucky - October 24, 2019
October 17, 2019
Across Kentucky - October 24, 2019

The recent announcement of a partial trade deal with Japan is good news for Kentucky farmers.  Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles talks about the trade deal, what it will mean for Kentucky Agriculture and the popularity of Kentucky products in Japan and other Asian Pacific countries.

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Across Kentucky - October 23, 2019
October 17, 2019
Across Kentucky - October 23, 2019

It is never too early to begin forming a Kentucky Junior Chef team to compete at the Kentucky State Fair next summer.  Kentucky Department of Agriculture Farm to School Program Coordinator Tina Garland talks about how to form a team, what the program focuses on and how the Southeast Regional Contest is patterned after Kentucky’s competition. 

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