Newsroom - Kentucky Farm Bureau


EPA Administrator Visits with State Ag Leaders and Producers
May 9, 2019
EPA Administrator Visits with State Ag Leaders and Producers

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler paid a visit to Kentucky last month to discuss a number of agriculture-related topics and to hear from farmers and industry representatives.

Across Kentucky May 13, 2019 - May 17, 2019
May 9, 2019
Across Kentucky May 13, 2019 - May 17, 2019

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Across Kentucky - May 17, 2019
May 9, 2019
Across Kentucky - May 17, 2019

Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles says the equine industry has a large impact on the state of Kentucky.  Commissioner Quarles discusses how horses make a difference, the Kentucky Proud Program and agricultural hemp with host Alan Watts.

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Across Kentucky - May 16, 2019
May 9, 2019
Across Kentucky - May 16, 2019

The Kentucky Agriculture Training School next week will take farmers, crop advisers and others back to the basics in the field.  Dr. Travis Leglighter talks about the school that will take place at the University of Kentucky Research and Education Center in Princeton, the topics that will be covered and details how people can sign up to attend.

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Across Kentucky - May 15, 2019
May 9, 2019
Across Kentucky - May 15, 2019

If you have questions about beef recipes, cuts of meat or how cattle are raised on the farm, the answer is likely closer than you think.  Katelyn Hawkins with the Kentucky Beef Council talks about Chuck Knows Beef, how you can talk with Chuck, the kind of questions he can answer and where to find him.

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Across Kentucky - May 14, 2019
May 9, 2019
Across Kentucky - May 14, 2019

Farm broadcasters from across the nation are in Washington, DC for the annual Washington Watch Program this week.  National Association of Farm Broadcasting Executive Director Tom Brand talks about the history of the event, topics on the agenda and who farm broadcasters will meet with while they are in Washington.

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Across Kentucky - May 13, 2019
May 9, 2019
Across Kentucky - May 13, 2019

Wheat farmers, extension agents and crop advisers will gather Tuesday for the annual University of Kentucky Wheat Field Day at the Research and Education Center in Princeton.  UK Extension Agronomist Dr. Carrie Knott talks about the field day, what topics will be covered, when it will take place and shares other details.

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Market Closes - May 7, 2019
May 7, 2019
Market Closes - May 7, 2019

he major CBOT contracts managed steady to slightly higher closes as traders recovered from Monday’s sharp losses caused by the US/China tariff squabble.  Cattle futures closed higher despite a weaker boxed beef market. Except for the June and July contracts, Lean Hogs closed moderately to strongly higher.

Market Closes - May 6, 2019
May 6, 2019
Market Closes - May 6, 2019

CBOT futures were hit hard on Sunday night and again early this morning before the break in trading at 7:45 am CT. The huge selloff hit commodity futures as well as US equity markets. Cattle futures closed significantly lower but well off the day’s lows which were set soon after the 8:30 am opening bell.  Lean Hog futures closed limit down in most contracts as the renewed tariff threats issued by President Trump squashed optimism of increased pork export sales in the near future.

A Horse Named "The Player" and the Bond That Saved His Life
May 3, 2019
A Horse Named "The Player" and the Bond That Saved His Life

The bond between a human and animal is just that, a pledge of sorts; a promise from one to the other, in many cases, to care for each other and provide the task each was meant to do for the other. No one knows that better than William “Buff” Bradley, owner and trainer at Indian Ridge Farm.