Newsroom - Kentucky Farm Bureau


Statement from KFB President Mark Haney on Farm Bill passage
August 2, 2018
Statement from KFB President Mark Haney on Farm Bill passage

The Farm Bill is important to farm families and rural communities in Kentucky and across the country. It is critical to the agriculture industry to get this piece of legislation finalized and on the President’s desk. The process of bringing the House and Senate versions together is about to begin. 

Market Closes - August 1, 2018
August 1, 2018
Market Closes - August 1, 2018

Optimistic trade talk lifted futures yesterday, but President Trump’s threat today of higher tariffs on Chinese imports pushed corn and soybean futures lower.  Cattle futures closed higher with Feeder Cattle outdoing Live Cattle as corn/soy futures fell about 2 percent. Lean Hog futures closed lower with the nearby August LH contract posting the largest loss.

Across Kentucky Promo - August 6, 2018 - August 10, 2018
August 1, 2018
Across Kentucky Promo - August 6, 2018 - August 10, 2018

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Across Kentucky - August 10, 2018
August 1, 2018
Across Kentucky - August 10, 2018

Kentucky Farm Bureau President Mark Haney says tariff relief measures announced recently by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue will provide some needed assistance to Kentucky Farmers.  Haney discusses the tariff relief measures, expansion of Kentucky Agriculture markets and the need to stabilize trade for farmers.

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Across Kentucky - August 9, 2018
August 1, 2018
Across Kentucky - August 9, 2018

Reaching students in this day of electronics, smart phones and technology can be difficult and requires a creative approach.  One Kentucky woman affectionately earned the title of Mrs. Pickle after she began using the popular condiment to reach students while she was a guidance conselor.  Now Carolyn Haddock of Hopkinsville continues her work with the Christian County Literacy Council.

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Across Kentucky - August 8, 2018
August 1, 2018
Across Kentucky - August 8, 2018

The Kentucky Governor’s Scholars Program opens the eyes of students who participate each summer.  We visit with David Smith from Louisville who recently participated in the Governor’s Scholars Program.  Smith says the program changed his opinion of agriculture.

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Across Kentucky - August 7, 2018
August 1, 2018
Across Kentucky - August 7, 2018

Each year the Kentucky Governor’s Scholars Program host some of Kentucky’s top students at three regional universities.  For the last few years, Murray State University has hosted students with an interest in agriculture.  On today’s show we meet Carly Crawford from Shelby County.

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Across Kentucky - August 6, 2018
August 1, 2018
Across Kentucky - August 6, 2018

The United States Department of Agriculture will providing assistance to farmers affected by the tariffs that are resulting from the Chinese trade war.  Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue discusses the tariff relief measures and what will be implemented to help farmers deal with the loss of income, a surplus of agriculture products and ways to look for new markets.

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Market Closes - July 31, 2018
July 31, 2018
Market Closes - July 31, 2018

Crop futures closed sharply higher with corn and soybean futures ending near the day’s highs. Wheat futures couldn’t maintain its gains and ended near mid-range. Live Cattle futures closed lower while Feeder Cattle posted bigger losses due to corn/bean futures moving much higher.

KFB Candid Conversation: Chris Pierce, Pulaski County Grain Producer
July 30, 2018
KFB Candid Conversation: Chris Pierce, Pulaski County Grain Producer

KFB Candid Conversation presents a discussion about the topical issues facing the agricultural industry and rural communities in a question and answer format. In this column, Chris Pierce, a grain producer from Pulaski County, discusses ways to remain sustainable on the farm and how international trade affects his operation.