Newsroom - Kentucky Farm Bureau


Across Kentucky Promo March 5, 2018-March 9, 2018
March 1, 2018
Across Kentucky Promo March 5, 2018-March 9, 2018

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Across Kentucky - March 9, 2018
March 1, 2018
Across Kentucky - March 9, 2018

More than 800 Kentucky 4-H members are curing country hams as a part of the Kentucky Country Ham project again this year.  Broadbent B & B Foods owner Ronnie Drennan and host Alan Watts go into the ham house to talk about how the curing process begins and why Drennan and other ham producers are teaching the art of curing hams to 4-H members each year.

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Across Kentucky - March 8, 2018
March 1, 2018
Across Kentucky - March 8, 2018

United States Senator Rand Paul is continuing to push for legislation that would make the Migrant Farm Labor Program and immigration more favorable for agriculture.  Senator Paul discusses his proposal with host Alan Watts and details how the change he is advocating would help farmers and others who rely on guest workers.

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Across Kentucky - March 7, 2018
March 1, 2018
Across Kentucky - March 7, 2018

Kentucky Farm Bureau members will celebrate Food Checkout Day while they are in Frankfort for the annual Legislative Drive In Day at the State Capitol.  Vickie Bryant from Monroe County, who chairs the Kentucky Farm Bureau Women’s Organization, talks with host Alan Watts about the importance of Food Checkout Day and what it means for all Kentuckians.

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Across Kentucky - March 6, 2018
March 1, 2018
Across Kentucky - March 6, 2018

Farmers want to maintain the current Kentucky tax exemptions that are in place.  Breckinridge County farmer Pat Henderson, who chairs the Kentucky Farm Bureau Tax Committee, discusses the important of the tax exemptions, how a change would affect farmers and the impact of a tax exemption change on communities across the state.

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Across Kentucky - March 5, 2018
March 1, 2018
Across Kentucky - March 5, 2018

Farm Bureau members from across the state will be in Frankfort Wednesday, March 7, for the Legislative Drive In Day and Food Checkout Day.  Public Affairs Division Director Jeff Harper and Alan Watts talk about the importance of Legislative Drive In, the issues on the minds of farmers and agriculture and the impact of talking with local legislators.

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February 23, 2018 Legislative Report No. 9 - 2018 Kentucky General Assembly
February 23, 2018
February 23, 2018 Legislative Report No. 9 - 2018 Kentucky General Assembly
Down the Backroads
February 23, 2018
Down the Backroads

As my father and I drove down the backroads in the Plymouth Valiant, he taught me life lessons that applied to far more than driving lessons. 

National FFA Officer Team Tours Kentucky
February 22, 2018
National FFA Officer Team Tours Kentucky

The National FFA Officer Team toured local chapters and schools around Kentucky, meeting countless FFA members and leading numerous workshops.

Across Kentucky Promo February 26, 2018 - March 2, 2018
February 22, 2018
Across Kentucky Promo February 26, 2018 - March 2, 2018

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