Newsroom - Kentucky Farm Bureau


Presidents Column | Coming Together To Help
August 12, 2022
Presidents Column | Coming Together To Help

Anyone who has ever planted that first seed of a crop knows, as dedicated farm families, we are always at the mercy of Mother Nature.

Comment Column with Eddie Melton | Toward a More Complete Solution
August 12, 2022
Comment Column with Eddie Melton | Toward a More Complete Solution

Whether it is the use of GPS to map fields or check soil conditions, the advanced yield monitoring equipment that tells us valuable crop yield information in real-time, or even the weather radar access we have to watch changing conditions directly from the field.

Across Kentucky - August 12, 2022
August 12, 2022
Across Kentucky - August 12, 2022

KY FFA State Sentinel Leslie Monhollen enjoyed leadership training at the KFB state headquarters.

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Down the Backroads | Perhaps There's Hope After All
August 10, 2022
Down the Backroads | Perhaps There's Hope After All

I have tried to be an optimistic person most of my life even when challenging times are present and the world seems to be disconnected.

Across Kentucky - August 10, 2022
August 10, 2022
Across Kentucky - August 10, 2022

KFB Lead Class Member Melissa Hugget says the experience helped her see agriculture from a different perspective. 

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Investment in Infrastructure and Jobs Act
August 9, 2022
Investment in Infrastructure and Jobs Act

“This bill was more expansive and had a significant investment over traditional surface transportation bills,” he said. “One of the main pieces important for us was $110 billion for roads and bridges. And obviously, that is the key link for most rural communities, farms, and ranches."

The Faces of H-2A
August 9, 2022
The Faces of H-2A

“Between our tomato business and our burley tobacco operation, we will have about 30 H-2A workers throughout the course of a year,” he said. “To be honest, we would be out of business if not for these guys and this program.”

A Taste of Summer
August 9, 2022
A Taste of Summer

For those who keep track of such things, August 3 was National Watermelon Day, and the countless watermelon lovers who have spent endless summers enjoying this tasty treat will agree with this recognition.

Advancing Agri-Tech
August 9, 2022
Advancing Agri-Tech

A little over a year ago, in an effort to bring more awareness to advances in technology issues within the state’s agriculture industry, and the ever-increasing need for “agri-tech” on the farm, Kentucky Farm Bureau (KFB) and commodity groups throughout the state joined together to form a Coalition of Production Agriculture.

Across Kentucky - August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022
Across Kentucky - August 8, 2022

KFB First Vice President Eddie Melton says some crops suffered damage from early season drought.

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