Kentucky Ag Literacy Week
Farm Bureau volunteers have successfully used National Ag Day and Kentucky Ag Literacy Week as an opportunity to promote Kentucky agriculture by reading an “Accurate Ag Book” in classrooms throughout the state. We are asking volunteers to schedule classroom visits in each of Kentucky’s 120 counties during Ag Literacy Week which will occur, Sunday, March 22 - Saturday, March 28. National Ag Day will be observed, Wednesday, March 25. The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture will be announcing the “Accurate Ag Book of the Year” in January at the AFBF Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas. This and other books including our very own accurate ag book, The Most Wonderful Dream, will be available for purchase in January. More details will follow soon!
We are asking you to share your successful Ag Literacy activities and events with us by completing the Ag Literacy Day Report and returning it to the KFB State Office by Friday, April 3.
We encourage you to take advantage of this educational opportunity that will enable you to reach Kentucky’s youth with factual and valuable agricultural information. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (502) 495-5000, extension 7221 or by email at
Below are links to additional resources and materials which can complement your agricultural literacy effort:
American Foundation for Agriculture
Kentucky Agriculture & Environment in the Classroom
KY Ag Day & National Ag Week County Report 2020