Scholarships - Kentucky Farm Bureau


Applicant Information

Scholarships Available:

*** hold the control key to select multiple. ***
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
Street Address 2:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Date of Birth:
Did you grow up on a farm?
KYFB Membership #:
Membership Last Name:
Membership County:

Student Information

School You Plan to Attend:
Major or area of study:
School Type:
Are you pursuing a 4-year degree?
Yes    No
Is your major related to Agriculture?
Are you currently enrolled in any post-secondary education such as college or trade school?
Career Choice:
Level of Course Work:
Advanced    Honors    Basic    Other
GPA: (do not round, example: 3.54)
ACT Score:
SAT Score:
*Unweighted GPA based on a 4.0 scale. Give to the nearest one-hundreth and do not round off. Please attach documentation verifying unweighted GPA, ACT and SAT scores.
High School:
High School Graduation Year:
Date of Awards Night:
Counselor Phone:
*Accepted file type extensions for uploads: pdf, doc, docx, txt, jpg, jpeg, png, rtf, odt
Files should be less than 5mb in size.
Transcript of your high school grades, including unweighted GPA (4.0 scale), ACT and SAT scores:
Grading scale for your school:
Official copy of your second semester senior schedule:
Letter of recommendation describing characteristics such as leadership, citizenship and maturity from school official (e.g. teacher, counselor, principal):
Letter of recommendation describing characteristics such as leadership, citizenship and maturity from a non-relative:
Essay #1: In 300 words or less, answering the question: "Who is my role model and why?"
0 words
Essay #2: In 300 words or less, answering the question: "Why am I pursuing higher education?"
0 words
Applicants for the Leadership in Agriculture Scholarship must submit a narrative describing their family farming operation. If a narrative is not submitted, the student will not be eligible for this scholarship.

Work Experience

Describe jobs you hold or have held during high school. (Include work on family farm.)
*Hours per week are for the school year.

School Clubs and Offices

List school clubs, offices, organizations, etc. in which you have participated.

Other Extra-Curricular Activities

List church groups, social groups or other extra-curricular activities in which you have participated.

Did you participate in the Kentucky Governor's Scholar Program?
Yes     No
Did you participate in IFAL (Institute for Future Agricultural Leaders)?
Yes     No
Have you participated in the Outstanding Farm Bureau Youth or Variety contests?
Yes     No