Variety Showcase - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Variety Showcase

Variety Showcase
The purpose of the Variety Showcase is to recognize winners of the district variety contests and to give winners an opportunity to gain valuable experience performing before audiences. Contestants must...
  • Be 9 years old at the time of the county contest, but not have reached 19 years old, by January 1st of the following year;
  • Be a member of Kentucky Farm Bureau and represent the county in which the parent/guardian has their membership (for group acts, 50% of the group members must meet this requirement);
  • Submit an application to the county Farm Bureau women's chair by the deadline;
  • Represent the district at the state variety showcase at the Kentucky Farm Bureau Annual Meeting, in Louisville, if selected as a district winner.

District variety contests are held in conjunction with the Outstanding Farm Bureau Youth competition. The variety act may be in any performance area: vocal, instrumental, dance or drama. An act can represent the district only one year at the state variety showcase.

Variety Showcase Prizes

  • County/District Awards - Prizes awarded at the discretion of the county/district.
  • State Awards - All 11 district acts perform at the KFB State Annual Meeting. Each act is awarded $250 at the conclusion of the program.

Variety Showcase Application